There is a conflict built into the very principle of creation. Evolutionary self-organization through accidental wriggling of reality along its attractors does not necessarily favour the discovery of complex viability. There are those powerful “unstable” attractors which find a viable cycle only after an essential reduction of complexity. In fact, this kind of collapse must often happen locally, but (except in the extreme case of a black hole) that devastated region will soon serve as fertile experimental ground for further trial and error, starting from attractors still realized in the spatial neighbourhood. Their ideas survive and expand, unless they also come too near a more attractive unstable one. However, spatial expansion is necessarily accompanied by contact with new possibilities. (Not “new” in the realm of ideas, of course, but new in real time.) Adaptive wriggling must then lead to other reachable attractors.
In the competition between various regions in real space, more evolvable attractors, the organization of which allows for faster and wider “wriggling”, have a selective advantage. As an old example, remember the invention of sexuality: Via accidental combination the number of trials in each reproduction cycle is immensely larger than in the old procedure of sheer division and mutation. Therefore, this new principle quickly conquered the front in the space of possibilities. More recent examples are the invention of neural networks in the brain and, at last, of language and conscious thinking in the cerebrum accompanied by the development of cultures and their mythologies and systems of slavery, which still brake the free expansion of mind. At last, there comes that explosion of civilization with writing, longdistance weapons and long-distance traffic, scientific enlightenment with more and more technical gadgets and “media”, and economic enlightenment with globally convertible currencies and with terms of trade and property rights which permit and, therefore, enforce the buying-up of the livelihood of ones fellow-citizens and whole nations – with total liberation from the old kind of slavery and the organization of much more powerful enslaving ideas which take care that everybody follows the same attractor, once called
We see: For purely logical reasons, there must be an “evolution of evolvability”, i.e. an increase of the speed of innovation. Simultaneously, the “faster” ideas must spread to increasingly larger scales in real space. In an isolated spatial region, like on a planet, this ongoing evolutionary progress must approach a global unstable attractor – again for purely logical reasons: There are upper limits to the organizational scale and to the speed of innovation. As they are approached, a decomposition of viable complexity must set in. Globalization reduces the diversity of trial and, together with the increasing speed of innovation, diminishes the chance of finding “better” attractors. And the faster an attractor is left for a new one, the less likely is it that it has been sufficiently tested for viability. So, there is no reliable basis for the next trials. The creation process becomes globally unstable. Acceleration and globalization amplify each other, until essential global features change on the critical time scale. When even Gaia’a oldest and most reliable attractors are being left, the crisis reaches its climax. As that singular epoch in planetary evolution, the tumbling of biosphere and noosphere near a catastrophic instability, must inevitably be reached for system-theoretical reasons, it deserves a scientific name. I call it “the global acceleration crisis”. We start realizing that we have reached its climax. Why? What is the critical speed of innovation?
Mind has long realized that it is in danger of falling sacrifice to attractive ideas which are not viable. Etymology suggests that “evil” is related to “uppishness”. The uppishness of scientific enlightenment lies in the belief that progress leads upwards if it is produced in good will. But this isn’t enough! While scientists are looking for the intrinsic truths of all kinds of attractors, they have neglected that other kind of truth which lies in the very principle of creation. Like all truth, it is of a tautological nature: A cyclic ttractor in a rich neighbourhood of possibilities cannot even be suspected to be viable, before reality has run through it at least once. Scientists claim that their business is to discover more attractive structures and to offer them as “new options” to everybody. Society is then supposed to make a reasonable selection. However, there is a problem: At what pace of innovation is evolutionary progress likely to find viable attractors? With how many new options can people, individually and collectively, be confronted within a year and make reasonable decisions? or within a second? or a picosecond, with faster computers?
In the general obsession with the successful acceleration of progress, it has been overlooked that there is an intrinsic time-scale in the problem! What is the cycle of reproduction of the highest value which has been realized so far? Which attractor of reality am I talking about? Of course, it is the attractor of a viable person, God’s image. That this is “the crown of creation” has been understood not only in Western culture. It does not seem to be an error that the idea of “human rights” is becoming one of the leading ideas on the whole planet. One might be tempted to assign an even higher value to viable cultures and to the whole system of biosphere and noosphere. But this would only strengthen my argument. The cycles of cultural attractors, in which the individual ones must be embedded, are necessarily much longer – not to talk about global biospherical cycles. But man is able not only to destroy himself by his own wriggling – he can even introduce global innovations on very short time-scales. This is why we say he can be trapped by the devil. He is able “to sell his soul”, and jump on to unstable attractors. This isn’t new. The new development – with the global acceleration crisis – is that nearly everybody does it, and has to do it. The leading idea of global civilization has become that we can and must improve everything within one generation and even faster, before even one cycle of the relevant attractors has been completed.
That this should be logically impossible, contradicts the most attractive ideas of our time, but it follows from what I have tried to explain here. After we have understood it, we shall grope for different attractors – and not in arbitrary directions, with the hope that “anything goes”. What we have found out about the process of creation, will allow us a clearer vision of good and evil, of beauty and ugliness, of essential values which used to appear as indiscernible to “value-free” science. A closer look at spatial and temporal scales of evolutionary processes will introduce value judgment as a scientific argument. The arbitrariness, which up to now seemed to result from the enlightened world view, from the tautological truths of science, will become transparent. Behind it, we shall discover not only the seductive attractivity of the devil’s haste, but also a more consolatory “transcendental certainty”, namely the fact that system-theoretical logic provides commandments which may help us to put the devil in chains.
Lo and behold: There are logical conditions for “successful” creation, which define the difference between good and evil, between beauty and ugliness. Our wriggling between the ideas of truth and reality wasn’t useless. Scientific enlightenment is, at last, going to bear fruit in the fields of ethics and aesthetics. Considering the “tautological” self-evidence of our findings, though, we must not be surprised if we find similarities with images and imaginations from older myths of creation.
* * *
We have understood that in the course of evolution nearly all trials must have been errors. Failure is the most essential constituent in the creative process and can’t be “devilish”. Why, then, does the figure of the devil play such an important role in nearly all myths of creation? Clearly, this has to do with the fact that man is capable of more than the usual kind of mistakes. He can destroy himself, his society, and even his roots in the earth’s biosphere. This is recognized, e.g., in the stories of Prometheus, the fore-thinker
who brought fire from heaven, and of Lucifer, the
lightbringer. That angel had watched creation and seen how it worked. He had understood the functioning of elementary particles, of nuclei, atoms and molecules, of the genetic code and the living cell, of organs, organisms and species, of brains, societies and markets … Why, then, should he not be able to improve the world much more quickly? We know: He tried, and he fell, and he received a new name, diabolos, which means “he who throws things into disorder” – though all was done in good will, with the best intentions, which still pave the road to hell.
One might think that in our “reductionist” phase-space picture the Devil cannot be an attractor, like the idea of the proton is, or the idea of “Gaia”, or that of a man and his individual soul. Isn’t the truth of God and the angels of a different nature? It lies in the logical principle of creation, and not in a specific “gestalt”. Isn’t this why it is forbidden to make an “image of God”? But this would be a misunderstanding. In conscious human cerebral activity the logical principles of creation can be understood, and this means that God and Devil are actually approached by material reality! On our level of mental complexity, they do represent very effective attractors. This is why they have been around for at least several thousand years, probably since the evolution of free thinking started in gifted individuals. The truth of those attractors is essential in our own creativity, i.e. at the present front of evolution, in the self-organization of human freedom. After our re-unification of mind and matter we can even try and talk about them in scientific language. What I am presenting here, is the sketch of a “system theory of God and Devil”. And the statement about the inevitability of the global acceleration crisis I have occasionally called the “devil theorem”.
Why does our creation myth allow the devil to become active only on the last day, when man had appeared? Because all the previous beings were not yet able to destroy the highest values, i.e. the most complex viable cycles, which had been reached so far. An animal can make a mistake and die, but this is a negligible accident in the co-evolutionary wriggling of the whole biosphere. A species may develop abilities which are harmful to many others, but the diffusion of profitable genetic mutations or sexual combinations into the whole population necessarily takes many generations. Before a dangerous innovation can spread over the whole earth, other species have had time to adapt through frequency-shifts in their own gene-pools. And although higher life forms necessarily have much longer generation times than the micro-organisms, they have been able to cope with them through their own diversity and via an “immune system” which is able to evolve counter-forces on similarly short time-scales as the potential enemies. Therefore, fatal large-scale accidents which could have critically reduced the complex diversity of the whole, were extremely unlikely to happen as a consequence of biological evolution itself. They could only occur “from outside”, e.g. when a stone the size of Mont Blanc
hit the earth 65 million years ago – and more often in the early history of our planetary system. If this had been likely to occur much more frequently, the biosphere might not have been able to reach noospheric attractors. On the other hand, the death of the dinosaurs created more evolutionary freedom for the mammals with their brains …
Only the human brain has reached a level of internal complexity on which the self-organization of speed and size of innovations must become the basic problem. Whereas in biological evolution the necessary steps of mutation, reproductive mixing and phenotypic selection set a limit to the speed of innovation, such that essential global changes can take place only within many generations, the biological limits to the inventiveness in mental processes do not forbid us to change the world within a few years. Of course, this needed time to become obvious. For most of the time of human evolution and the early history of culture, the groping of individual minds couldn’t reach very far in the realm of ideas. Viability demanded that the cultural attractors sufficiently constrained the individual ones. Only culturally accepted truth or beauty was true or beautiful. If exceptionally gifted people stepped too far in their individual wriggling, the organization of social attractors probably took care that they were soon eliminated. However, with very attractive ideas it was also likely that some disciples were already trying them. Mind was such a successful invention, that its freedom could not be suppressed indefinitely. It started groping in more and more new areas in the space of its possibilities – very slowly at first, but accelerating – and more and more quickly after globalization of the fastest leading ideas had been achieved – until it was by no means clear anymore, what was beautiful or ugly, good or evil.
* * *
We cannot go into details about the system theory of leading ideas in the history of mankind. It is, of course, fascinating to look for branching points in the past, because they may give us hints to viable attractors which are still near. Just one more question: Why did the idea of “equality of all people in front of God”, and the corresponding idea of democracy become attractive just before the climax of the crisis? This is not an accident! There is a very powerful “wrong” attractor next to both ideas, a devilish trap, a very probable “misunderstanding” which is self-accelerating. Along the old viable attractors of culture, nearly everybody had the same opinions, formulated in taboos, myths, proverbs, poetry, laws. So, majority was usually “right” in judgments about good and evil or beauty and ugliness. As the individual mind becomes more and more liberated, this is unfortunately no longer true – if we want to uphold the notion that “goodness” and beauty are associated with complex viability. As social reality reaches unstable attractors, the more deeply rooted attractors of our time-tested psychological heritage take care that the majority thinks it is right because it is the majority. So strong is this idea rooted in us, that even some political philosophers still believe in its truth. But clearly, near the climax of the global acceleration crisis, majority must be wrong in nearly every respect. We see again that the truth of attractive ideas cannot be judged without reference to their embedding in the whole neighbourhood in the space of possibilities, including reality. On unstable attractors political “conservatism” may lead into collapse, whereas “revolutionary” wriggling towards a few selected old ideas may bring the rescue.
Faster change has become the main attraction of the conservatives. The only generally accepted custom is innovation, the replacement of all the usual habits by more useful ones – in world-wide competition, which means world-wide collaboration towards the same aims, of course. Newly discovered ideas attract more and more quickly every spot on the earth – from the centers of the Western world to the people of the last hidden islands and valleys. At last even the biosphere has to adapt to new attractors. We set free more heavy metals than all weathering processes; about every hour we invent a molecule which may not have been realized before in our whole universe; also about every hour a living species is disappearing, perhaps even up to ten; this means an essential reduction of the biosphere within one human life time; we change the climate of the earth on that same time scale, and the ozone layer, which was built up by life within the last billion years and which brought more complex attractors into the reach of life, is being decomposed still more quickly. Right now, as those problems have become obvious even to conservative scientists, they have started to discuss the possibilities of “geo-engineering”. There are so incredibly many attractive ideas within reach!
Now, however, with that speed of global innovation, the “solution” of a problem is likely to produce several new problems which are felt on a larger scale and which need a solution still more urgently. A larger scale and a higher speed of innovation still have a selective advantage in this process of evolutionary self-organization called progress. This is a euphemism for the kind of system behaviour that scientists would call an instability
in any other context. It is exactly the selective advantage of size and speed, which made it likely, practically necessary, that we ran into this crisis. And still, it must not mean final decline and fall. Crisis means decision. The choice is between further tumbling down, perhaps back to Precambrian attractors, and the successful self-organization of human freedom. Of course, this is just a sophisticated wording for what one used to call culture. – Why should there be a chance of viable self-organization, when all present tendencies promote the instability? But this is the essence of an instability! This is how we recognize it! And therefore, there is still the chance that the majority understands it, too, if the symptoms become even more visible. Then, new attractors may strengthen different interactions.
I used to say that I didn’t recognize the world any more when I reached the middle of my life. For our children this experience came at the end of childhood. People of our time may find it “unjust” that the crisis becomes manifest while it is our turn to live. Many sulkily refuse to look at it. But it had to be reached sometime, unavoidably. Now, here it is. Soon nobody can deny any more that man is changing not only his social environment and his culture on the critical time-scale, but even the earth’s climate and other essential features of the biosphere. It is becoming incontestable that within two generations all that would collapse if we go on with what we call our civilization. In this situation, more and more individuals start searching for remnants of viable ideas. Trends which are right now scarcely recognizable in the rapid stream of the instability will suddenly lead to the self-organization of patterns which dissipate and break its impetus. Reduction strategies for unsustainable customs will be developed. Many majorities on smaller scales will suddenly start following similar attractors because their truth is practically self-evident under the conditions of the crisis. This will happen on the level of conscious mind, the leading structure – as the instability is not a biological but a mental disease.
After we have understood the principle of creation, including the devil theorem, we shall be able to work for the self-organization of our freedom. It is immediately obvious where more viable attractors are to be found, and if this insight spreads fast enough – i.e. also on the critical time-scale of a generation – viability may still be achieved. It does not represent an internal contradiction, but lies in the logic of instability, that we must try and constrain speed as quickly as possible, and that we must co-operate globally to restrict global power. It is self-evident that the new attractors of society must organize constraints to nearly everything “big and fast”. This will become constitutionalized as the governing principle in politics, technology and economy. So-called realists call this “utopia”, because they lack the sense for all neighbouring attractive possibilities except the smooth, broad road to hell.